Sunday, July 14, 2013

The Grooming Guide for Big and Tall Men Who Want to Look Their Best

Dressing Right Is Only Half the Battle
                If you are a big and tall guy, you may dress so that you are thinner, but you also have to take more care with your grooming habits. This is because as cruel as it is, people will always judge you harsher if you are larger than average. So it’s important that if you want to make a positive impression on a date or in a job interview, that you look better than the average guy.  That being said, here are some grooming tips for the larger guy:
1.       Keep your nose hairs trimmed. If you are a big and tall guy, the first thing people will notice about you when they look at your face is your nose hairs if they are overgrown. This is a terrible thing for people to notice because it immediately grosses them out and then they won’t be able to take their eyes off your nose hairs. This is one of the most important things you can take care of Fif you are a big and tall guy. As well, get your ear hairs and neck hairs trimmed at least once a month when you go to the barber. Stray hairs on your neck are the next thing that people will notice and again, there is a certain gross out factor associated with extra hair in places where it shouldn’t be. If you have a beard, keep it trimmed if you are trying to make a decent impression in a romantic situation.
2.       Keep your nails short and clean. There is nothing more disgusting on a big and tall man than dirty, long or discolored fingernails. This is especially true if you are in a situation where you need to eat or shake hands. Keeping your fingernails clean and trimmed is even more important than keeping your nose hairs trimmed. As well, even if it takes some effort, keep your toenails manicured too. Don’t be the guy who wears flip flops to the beach and also has a long toe nails that are fungus ridden as well.
3.       Brush between all meals and floss daily. You may be big and tall naturally or you may have a healthy appetite, but either way, make sure that you never have food in your teeth. Even if you can’t afford to get to the dentist and don’t want to hop on the whitening bandwagon, you can still brush three times a day and practice good oral hygiene. If you are self-conscious about being larger, you don’t want to add bad breath to the list.
4.       Buy the right size of clothes when you shop. There are many big and tall stores for men that sell well-fitting fashion forward clothing for men who wear larger sizes. If you don’t have one in your area, there are many stores online like that sell a wide variety of clothes in your size. With online stores like these, you can shop at your leisure and find exactly what you need. There are customer service reps and fit charts if you need them, and many time shipping is free with a minimum purchase.
The last grooming tip for big and tall guys is to pay attention to personal hygiene. Shower every day, but also to make sure and wash your face every day to prevent breakouts and blackheads. Like everything else, people will notice these about you more than with other guys. It isn’t fair, but in all aspects of grooming and dressing, big and tall guys have to do it better than the average Joe in order to make a favorable impression in any social or business situatio

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