Saturday, August 24, 2013

Mens Big And Tall Clothing Is More Affordable Than You Might Think It Is

Shop Online to Find Even More Savings

                If you think that shopping at a mens big and tall clothing store online is expensive, it usually doesn’t cost any more than shopping at a department store, and even less than getting clothes custom made. Let look at some traditional ways that big and tall mens hop to find clothes that fit, and then why shopping online for mens big and tall clothing is better.
Mens Big and Tall Clothing
Mens Big and Tall Clothing 
Mens Big and Tall Clothing at Department Stores
                Many department stores claim to carry mens big and tall clothing when in fact, they don’t. This kind of clothing may be cut larger, but it is never sized to fit a real person. So you will find t-shirts that look like circus tents and pants that should be worn by clowns. Every once in a while you will find these ridiculously sized clothes on a clearance or sale rack, but is it really worth it to buy them just because they have a designer label on them? Probably not. In fact, you may have a full closet of such designer clothes already, only to find that you have nothing to wear that fits when you want to look nice for a special occasion.

Mens Big and Tall Clothing that is Custom Made
                Custom made clothing will fit you better than department store clothing, but what does it cost? If you are a regular sized guy, you will expect to spend about $100 to $250 for one shirt and probably more for a pair of pants. That’s fairly reasonable, but if you are a larger guy, expect to pay much more. Why is this? You will have to pay more because the tailor may have to make a pattern specifically for you and you will also have to buy extra fabric.

While this hardly seems fair, this is the reality of buying custom made clothing when you don’t fit the mold. So even though companies advertise custom made shirts online, these shirts are for regular sized guys who want the luxury of handmade shirts, not for big and tall guys who can’t find their size at a department store.

Mens Big and Tall Clothing Online
                At this point, you may think that you have run out of options, but relax. The best is yet to come. This is because if you haven’t tried shopping for mens big and tall clothing online, you don’t know what you are missing.

                First of all, you don’t have to leave your house when you shop online. So if you are embarrassed to get help at department stores, or if you don’t want anyone to see you go into the big and fat store, then you will enjoy shopping on your computer in the privacy of your own home. As well, you may not even have mens big and tall clothing stores in your area in the first place.    

                Secondly, you will find clothes that fit. If you haven’t had any luck at department stores, then you will be amazed at the online stores that carry shirts that are long enough and pants that will actually flatter your build. You may not always find designer labels, but you will find designer clothes that are made to be fashionable. This is a much better alternative to the wearing a designer label that makes you look like a clown.

                The prices are also reasonable as well. Compared to buying custom made big and tall mens clothing or wearing something on sale that looks like a tent, you will find clothing that is priced reasonably and fits amazingly.

                One store in particular that we recommend is Here you will find shirts, jeans, t-shirts, sweaters and other mens big and tall clothing that is priced right and is also designed for the fashion forward thinking male.   

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